Parents and children of Marie-Joséphine Buseyne

Parents and children of Marie-Joséphine Buseyne


Marie-Joséphine Buseyne    Marie-Joséphine Buseyne  Ascendants Marie-Joséphine Buseyne Descendants Marie-Joséphine Buseyne Combined familytree Marie-Joséphine Buseyne Immediate family Marie-Joséphine Buseyne Update Marie-Joséphine Buseyne Update family Marie-Joséphine Buseyne




Ludovicus Franciscus Annoot    Ludovicus Annoot  Ascendants Ludovicus Annoot Descendants Ludovicus Annoot Combined familytree Ludovicus Annoot Immediate family Ludovicus Annoot Update Ludovicus Annoot Update family Ludovicus Annoot




Catherine Annoot    Catherine Annoot  Ascendants Catherine Annoot Descendants Catherine Annoot Combined familytree Catherine Annoot Immediate family Catherine Annoot Update Catherine Annoot Update family Catherine Annoot



Coleta (Colette) Josepha Annoot    Colette Annoot  Ascendants Colette Annoot Descendants Colette Annoot Combined familytree Colette Annoot Immediate family Colette Annoot Update Colette Annoot Update family Colette Annoot

°05/10/1775 ou 07/07/1778 Nieucappelle, Belgium

16/01/1810 Sint-Joris a/d IJzer, Belgium